Friday, July 5, 2013

Summer Fun with Beach Feet!

Beach Feet is a great summer read for the five-and-under set.  Kiyomi Knonagaya has written a fun, first person stream of consciousness narration that spotlights a little boy's day at the beach.  The pastel illustrations by Masamitsu Saito are attractive and cheerful, focusing on the little boy's chubby feet. 

What's nice about a book like Beach Feet is that by discussing the sensations that the little boy feels during his day at the beach, children develop vocabulary to discuss their own observations and sensations.  The illustrations and text combine to evoke the very experience of standing barefoot in the sand while the tide washes over your toes.

Read Beach Feet with your child before your trip to the ocean to build excitement and prepare him for what to expect, and then read it again after to relive your fun trip and compare your child's experience with the experience of the boy in the book.  If you can't make it to a beach this year, you can have fun with sand and water trying to recreate the beach experience in your own backyard.

Stop by your local library for this and other great summer reads.   

Miss Robin

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