Friday, July 12, 2013

Sugar Cookies

Recently, I was helping a mom find books on teaching her young children about manners. There are a handful of  books in the library that get the point across and elicit some giggles at the same time. A few are listed at the end of this post. However, my favorite to share (although not exactly a manners book) is one by Amy Krouse Rosenthal with charming illustrations by a mother/daughter duo Jane and Brooke Dyer called Sugar Cookies: sweet little lessons on love. I like it because it teaches children simple lessons about life and love without using those two little authoritative words do & don't. I like it because of the vocabulary and big, descriptive words like endearment, compassionate, uncondtionally, and many more that children may not hear everyday...unlike "do" and "don't".  I like it because Rosenthal takes the experience of baking cookies and translates it, using rich language, into the best ever etiquette book for kids and the big people in their life. I like it because the illustrations perfectly and sweetly describe the meaning of the words. Check it out, please and thank you!

Other kids books on manners:
Mind your manners! by Diane Goode
Don't slurp your soup! by Lynne Gibbs
Whoopi's big book of manners by Whoopi Goldberg

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