Friday, December 21, 2012

Sleep Like a Tiger

Excitement, anticipation, impatience, stubbornness. Anyone "in charge" of a child learns to dread these all-too-familiar mercurial states of being when bedtime rolls around. How DO you get that effervescent, truculent ball of energy to CHILL? The little princess in this book has decided that in spite of the sun's absence, she will not go to sleep. Dragging her stuffed tiger from page to page, the princess dutifully follows the calming instructions of her uber patient parents.

They agree that she does not have to sleep, but she must get into her pajamas, brush her teeth, wash her face, etc. if she is to remain awake. The animals that float across each page reinforce the affirmative answer to her question: "Does everything in the world go to sleep?"

Mary Logue's soothing text weaves in and out of Sleep Like a Tiger like a dream. Beautifully accompanied by Pamela Zagerenski's surreally engaging illustrations that invite the restless child and yawning parents to find the miniature tea pots, suns, wheels, and toys scattered lovingly in the wake of the wide-awake princess.

Sleep gently takes the child by the hand as she follows the lead of each snoozing animal and finally (shhhhh) closes her eyes....


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