Thursday, May 29, 2014

Book Review: The Crocodile Who Didn't Like Water

Picnics! Camping! Thunderstorms! Fireworks! Daisy chains! Swimming! These words all conjure up great summer memories! Well...maybe not so much swimming...if you're at all timid of the water.  Some of us take to the water like fish and others have to be coaxed, ever so gently.  And while we may all eventually learn how to swim, we don't all like the sport with the same enthusiasm.  Now crocodiles are born to the water and thrive in that environment. So what about The crocodile who didn't like water? Unlike his brothers and sisters this little crocodile does not like the water. He is really great at climbing trees, but everyone else would rather be in swim club.  He wants to play with his siblings. Afterall he can see they are having a great time splashing about. So he trys very hard to overcome his fear.
One day with the help of a floatie he buys with his own money from the tooth fairy, he enters the water. And within the safety of the swim ring all is well except he can't dive, or play ball, or even splash about.  Still he doesn't give up. Without the floatie he climbs the ladder to the top of the diving board and slowly counts to three and jumps! Unfortunately, he sinks and has to be rescued. This little crocodile hated the cold, wet water, but something wonderful and strange happened. His nose began to tickle. And the tickle grew into a firey AAAACHOOO! Who needs swimming when you can make your own fireworks! That's all the hint I'll give you. Next time you're in the library check it out or reserve it from home at The illustrations are charming, colorful, and quite funny.  Gemma Merino has a created a gem of a story. Here are a few more great summertime reads to share with your little ones, whether or not they like the water.
The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli
Picnic by John Burningham
The Chick and the Duckling by Vladimir Suteyev

Miss Julie

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