Sunday, September 15, 2013

Faster! Faster!

Sometimes it's hard to remember who you were before you brought forth that vortex of manic energy euphemistically called "A CHILD." You were cool, well-dressed, an amazing conversationalist... ("Who me?" I hear you ask). Now, at the drop of a hat, you surge forward to the command of, "Giddyup!" Storming the house with a three-year-old gripping your head or neck, you neigh, snort, and paw the ground to the whooping delight of the real boss of the house.

Leslie Patricelli has perfectly captured your little adrenaline fiend in her book, Faster! Faster! The poor dad. He's a horse. A dog. A rabbit. But no matter how fast he goes, his darling, laughing little despot shrieks, "Faster! Faster!" Finally, out of gas, the tuckered out parent (tongue protruding) collapses.

Your audience will love to see how handy a purple dotted tie can be when racing the wind or riding the waves. As the merciless imperatives give way to the halting interrogatives, a ice-cold glass of lemonade might be in order for both the rider AND the mount.

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