Saturday, March 16, 2013


Laura Vaccaro Seeger is an award winning author and illustrator who has written, among other things, First the Egg, One Boy, and Dog and Bear:  Two Friends, Three Stories

Seeger writes quiet picture books with very few words and lots of room for imagination and conversation.

In 2012 she published Green  -- her tribute to that most important secondary color.  The illustrations are beautiful, and the cut-outs are so cleverly integrated with the illustrations that you will find yourself flipping back and forth to figure out just how Seeger does it.  There are many different shades of green in the book which range from "forest green" to "glow green." This picture book is just right for springtime, and when you're done reading you can go outside with your little one and see what other shades of green you can find in nature.

Take the opportunity to ask your child to tell you a story about one of the pictures, or use the "no green" page to help your child review his other colors.  Borrow a copy of Green and other books by Seeger from your local library branch and spend fifteen fun minutes reading and talking with your child each day.

Miss Robin

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