Huck, the bug-eyed, bucktoothed wonder, JUST CAN'T RESIST! He's a goat with "super-grip toes," and a desperate obsession for flowers--especially the hard-to-reach kind. Faced with a bleak, flowerless landscape, Huck is compelled to use his unparalleled climbing skills to reach impossible heights for that last patch of...flowery underpants?
Huck's quest is foiled again and again. A tragic outcome looms with each turn of the page. The suspense mounts. Must he make do with munching on plain, brown cardboard boxes or (gasp) rolls of pink toilet paper for the rest of his unnatural existence? No! His single-minded focus wins the day; much to the chagrin of the wedding party. Wedding party? Hey, back up a minute--what wedding?
Children and their reading partners will snort and hoot at Sean Taylor's clever mix of repetitive phrasing, rhyme, and prose as they follow the silly goat's misadventures as interpreted by Peter Reynold's hilariously apropos illustrations. In Huck Runs Amuck, the esteem-building magic of perseverance shines through the eyes of our cloven-hoofed friend--and it is quite infectious.
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