If you are Tiny Too-Little, how far would you go for a kiss? Would you stand on a thimble? A watermelon? How about a cabbage? As the pile grows steadily higher and precariously unstable, Tiny Too-Little's courage and perseverance are challenged. After all, he is w-a-y down here and his friend is w-a-y up there. What to do? Is our diminutive mouse friend too little to love?
Jeanne Willis' cut-away-page book is an engaging format for adult and child to flip through as our intrepid rodent constructs a tower that is almost tall enough to reach his friend.
The illustrator, Jan Fearnley, has a deft touch throughout this very sweet book. Her watercolor renditions of the trembling mouse atop a "ladder" of produce and household items will have both young and old rooting for the satisfying solution.
Each item used in the pile is labeled, providing a vocabulary enrichment opportunity for your favorite young reader.
Mighty M
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