Our story opens with Zelda, a lucky young goose, and Crystal, an elderly tortoise, spending time together. They enjoyed reading stories, taking trips together and talking about pretty much everything under the sun with one another.
When Crystal dies, Zelda cannot accept that her friend is gone. She looks for her everywhere and as she searches, she can't help but remember all the wonderful things that she learned about while spending time with Crystal. And before long she realized that "Crystal would always be with her wherever she went, right there in her heart."
Some of you may already know that one of Pima County Public Library's beloved Children's Librarians, Beth Rubio, passed away in October. Miss Beth left behind many co-workers, Storytime families and children who will miss her, but she also left us with a wealth of gifts that made us richer for having known her. We will remember her and her dedication to improving children's lives, and hope for peace and healing for her family.
Miss Kate
Badger's Parting Gifts by Susan Varley
Always and Forever by Alan Durant
I Miss You: A First Look at Death by Pat Thomas
If you feel like your family needs assistance coping with a death in the family, the serious medical condition of family member or other grief support, you may want to contact Tu Nidito for more help.