What's gray, has large ears, a skinny tail, and weighs 11,000 pounds? Answer: a mouse! Little Nelly has determined what kind of animal she is by reading "The Big Book of Knowledge." There's only one itsy, bitsy, teensy, weensy problem: the book has no pictures.
At Little Nelly's insistence, a mouse family takes her in. Granny Mouse makes this unusual situation work in spite of everyone's reservations--until Little Nelly realizes that something's not quite right. After an Internet search, Granny convinces Nelly that there are other mice just like her at the zoo. While Little Nelly settles into her new home, her friend Micky reads "The Big Book of Knowledge" and discovers he's an elephant! (Albeit a mighty small one...)
The phrase, "Just the facts, ma'am," takes on an entirely different meaning as Micky and Nelly explore their identities in Pippa Goodheart's chuckle-inducing Little Nelly's Big Book. Thanks to Andy Rowland, the illustrations are filled with "subtle" sight gags that complement this sweetly-humored story about kindness, friendship, and self-discovery.